
Hair, Skin, & Nails

So I'm taking these vitamins to get my hair to grow longer, and some of you may not agree with it, but I think it's actually starting to work. There the most horrible things I've ever tasted, but if they work, then they're worth it. I'm supposed to take 3 a day..and they're horse pills..so it's not easy. My hair is really short right now so hopefully in a few months my hair will be a little longer. I'm taking them for my hair to get longer, but also for it to grow longer faster so that I can stop getting rude comments and dirty looks from people. Yes, it still looks cut, and it's been a long time since it has been cut, but for some reason, it's not growing fast like usual..so that's why I'm taking them. I know a lot of people out there don't agree with taking pills for certain things because it's not "natural". Anyways..So ya, I'm really excited. I'll post a picture when my hair is longer. Oh, and if any of you have any opinions or thoughts about these pills..just leave a comment, I would like to know what you think..or if you agree with it or not. :)

the picture below is how long my hair was then, I'm making that my goal..but a lot longer now.


sophiebutterscotch said...

Wow your hair was soo long, I'm trying to grow my hair really long :) Good luck on growing it, Sophie x

Abigail said...

and Good Luck to you too!

kaYris said...

yay! I am trying to grow my long again too. Not as long as it was, just longer than it is.

--as for "those people" they can all shut it. That is terrible that you get rude looks and comments. People need to quit being so judge mental! It has nothing to do with them. It's between you and God. And on that natural comment. If they say anything about pills, ask them why they have a perm? Cause most likely they have one, most all penties do. Perms are natural, and it ruins the hair, potentially breaking off ends and damaging the beautiful hair they may have already had. As well as permanently straightening the hair. Same thing. I just think if you go in there and flaunt your hair around like you are proud of it, then they can't do anything to you! If it doesn't bother you than it will eventually go away, and in no time people will be jealous of your hair! :D
Just my insight on that, stay strong and think of yourself and your walk with God, not all the other put downers along the way. *hugs*