
I'm back!

I finally got my password reset, so now I'm back in blogland ready to chat your ear off..or maybe eyes..lol.

Here's what's up since I last blogged:
-It's 2009! Who woulda thought we'd be here by now??
-I'm moving! (well, really, me my mom, and sis ((and her son)) are) but we're moving to a really nice place. Probably the nicest we've ever lived in.
[[It's exciting]]
-I'm going to be going to college really soon to start taking my prerequisites to become an RN. I'm excited! :)
-I'm learning piano! Woo!
-I'm single..wow shocking right? [[lol]]

That's pretty much it.
Don't worry, I'll blog about something far more interesting soon.

So until then, Catch ya later!


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